Frequently asked questions about Trike Insurance
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Devitt have been arranging insurance for UK bikers since 1936 so get a quote for your Trike today by calling us on 0345 872 3614, and we’ll use our panel of UK insurers to find you the best price!
0345 872 3614
Prefer three wheels to two? Well a trike can offer you the extra safety and stability you need as a rider without opting for four wheels. Trikes are classed as a three-wheeler with open chassis and handlebars, unlike the popular Reliant Robin which is deemed as a three-wheeler car due to the closed chassis and steering wheel.
If you’re one for standing out in the crowd, then you’ll certainly have all eyes on you and your trike. It’s not compulsory by law to wear a helmet when riding your trike but it’s highly recommended that you do for your own personal safety. The view is similar for the installation and use of seat belts too.
So does a trike qualify for motorbike or car insurance? Here at Devitt, we see trike riders in the same eyes as motorcyclists. We’ve been arranging insurance for UK motorcyclist for over 80 years now so we know a thing or two.
In order to ride a trike by law you are required to have a full car license, however as we are motorcycle insurance specialist, we do require you to also have a full motorcycle license. This is due to the systems which we use.
You’ll need a few details about yourself and your trike to help get the best price for you, including full address, occupation and driving history. Not forgetting information about your trike including engine size, make and model.
You will also need some other information to hand for us to be able to provide a quote:
Unfortunately we do not cover any bike conversions, only purpose-built trikes.
Give us a call today on 0345 872 3614.
We compare prices from leading UK insurers to find you our cheapest Trike insurance.
We’re always here when you need us most. Claim service 24/7/365.
We send your insurance documents straight away by email. Get everything you need in minutes.
We don’t leave you hanging around on the phone waiting for us to pick up.
0345 872 3614