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Our Contact Promise to Riders


Motorcycle riders are a passionate and tightknit group of people with a great outlook on life and a high level of camaraderie. We look after each other and treat one another with respect. Here at Devitt we maintain those values and that’s why we’ve been able to maintain a strong and trusted position with UK riders for over 80 years.

When you get a motorcycle insurance quote with us, we ask you if would be happy for us to send you offers, competitions and latest info from Devitt and the motorcycling world. When we ask for your data, it’s because we want to add value to you.

Protecting your data

We do not share your personal data with any other companies, we do not bombard you with irrelevant information and do not hard sell to you.

We respect your data make sure that you’re only occasionally contacted with relevant information that we think will be:

i) beneficial to you
ii) of interest to you

If you feel that the offers and updates we send via email are not relevant to you, then you can simply click the unsubscribe button on any of our marketing emails and you will automatically be unsubscribed. Any other requests to amend the data or your opt in preferences can be requested by our contact us page.

So, give our communications a try and we hope you like what you receive… be that money off at your favourite motorcycle stores or events, competitions to win the latest and greatest in motorcycle accessories or just keep up to date with the latest industry news.

Your privacy is important to us so our contact promise to riders is threefold:

  • You control your data – amend or remove your details whenever you want
  • We only contact you occasionally with information that we believe will benefit you
  • We comply with all data laws and ensure that your details are secure and safe

Examples of the sort of things that will we contact you about…