Bike Review Form

  • Bike Details

    Please give us some information about your motorbike.
  • Rate your Bike

    Please rate each part of your bike using the stars below. Where 1 is the worst and 5 is the best.
  • Comfort *

    What’s it like to ride? Is it comfy? Is it suitable for long journeys? How comfortable is it for a pillion?

  • Ride Quality*

    How does it ride? Is it a smooth? It is lightweight or heavy? Does it take corners well?

  • Build Quality *

    Is it built well? Has it ever broken down? Have you ever had any problems with it, if so what were they?

  • Engine *

    How powerful is it? How do you rate the bike’s performance?

  • Brakes *

    How does it brake? Do you know the braking system it uses? Is there good grip?

  • Running Cost *

    How much does it cost you to run each year? How does that compare to other bikes you’ve owned? Does it guzzle the fuel?

  • Overall Score *

    What would you rate your bike in total?

  • Photos

    Use this section to upload your own photos of your bike

  • Upload Instructions: You may submit a maximum of 5 files with each form submission.
    The maximum file size is 4 megabytes per individual file.
    Drop files here or

    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, pdf, doc, docx, png, Max. file size: 4 MB, Max. files: 5.

    • Pros and Cons

      What are the best and worst (if any) things about your bike?
    • Summary

      Summarise what you think of your bike in a few sentences
    • Your Details

      We will only use this information to contact you about your review.